Hi there Programmer


Do you want to become an online software developer

Do you want to be able to create websites or online solutions?

If you answered yes to these questions, you're at the right place!


Click here for a special on my course

The online world today is booming, and online developers are in demand way more than previously.


The most common language used for online development is PHP, and Laravel is the most popular and probably the best PHP framework one out there.

Laravel handles the server-side programming, so this basically means that it processes what it needs to do before it ends up in front of the client’s screen.

So if you want some programming done client-side, then you can’t use Laravel, but Laravel integrates beautifully with Vue JS.

Vue JS handles client-side programming.

So for instance, if you want to build an application where you don’t want to refresh the browser in order to process something, you’ll be using Vue JS, which is one of the most popular and powerful Javascript frameworks out there.

With this course, I will teach you everything from where to start from scratch up until publishing your project to a live server where people can access your content.


Crash Course Laravel and Vue JS 2020 Bootcamp + free CMS rating

As a bonus:

I will also include my own built Content Management System, and I will teach you how to install it.

With this CMS, you can instantly have an admin where you can log in and add pages, specials, products and more.

This CMS is also going to be updated continuously, and I will update my course with all the latest changes to the CMS. This Content Management System will also include an eCommerce section where you can list your products and prices.

This course will be really helpful for you, especially if you want to get in online application development, including websites.

To grab my course on a massive special, click on this link: https://www.udemy.com/course/crash-course-for-laravel-7-and-vuejs-basics/?referralCode=F7C3DE21AB2B71FBD59F